
Guide to Patagonia's Monsters & Mysterious beings

I have written a book on this intriguing subject which has just been published.
In this blog I will post excerpts and other interesting texts on this fascinating subject.

Austin Whittall

Sunday, October 23, 2011

My photos of "Nahuelito"

In a recent post I wrote that during my trip to Bariloche I had taken some photographs of a strange thing in Lake Nahuel Huapi.

The sequence is shown below, the first photo shows the view, looking North,from the summit of Cerro (Mount) Campanario, a solitary mountain 1.050 m high (3,442 ft.), which gives a great 360° view of the Lake and its southeastern coast. It is located 17 km (10.6 mi.) from Bariloche and 3 km (2 mi) from my family's cabin. We took a walk on Oct. 8, and rode up the mountain on a chairlift. The day was lovely, slightly cloudy, not windy and sunny. The lake was calm and the view great.

We looked at the lake and the scenery and took some pictures. Then I saw what I thought was a boat on the lake, close to Huemul Peninsula, between it and Victoria Island. It stood out as a dark dot on the calm lake which moved slowly, too slowly for a boat. I took several photographs (numbered 1 to 4). Now, looking at them, they seem to show a rippled lake surface which reflects the mountains in the back, hence the dark reflection on the lake surface. It was not a boat, it was the reflected forest.

However, photo 5 shows something else (clearly seen in photo 5 and its zoom):

It is a minute dot, a triangular shaped dark object towards the right of the central part of the photo. It is seen in photo 6 and then it is gone, it does not appear in the remaining photos.

Options: Possible explanations and my estimated probability.

1. Another reflection of the mountains... 95%
2. Some sort of wave... 5%
3. Nahuelito surfacing... 0%

Sorry, but I am a skeptic, even if I see it myself. Perhaps, if I had taken my binoculars I could have seen it better and been able to give a better explanation.

nahuelito sequence

The detailed photos are these:
Photo 1: General view of the area, the remaining photos concentrate on the region within the red circle.

nahuelito sequence
Photo 2:
nahuelito sequence
Photo 3:
nahuelito sequence
Photo 4:
nahuelito sequence

Photo5: "Nahuelito" is the tiny dot, a small dark "wedge" on the central right part of the image.
nahuelito sequence
Zoom on Photo 5:
nahuelito sequence
Photo 6:
nahuelito sequence
Photo 7:
nahuelito sequence
Photo 8:
nahuelito sequence

If you want a copy of any of these photos, I can send you the originals.
The original high definition photo 5 is below:
nahuelito sequence

Patagonian Monsters - Cryptozoology, Myths & legends in Patagonia
2011 International Year of Forests
2011 International Year of Forests Copyright 2009-2011 by Austin Whittall © 


  1. Hey,
    Did you hear about the new fossilized species in South America?

  2. Hi Sam,
    Yes, quite a find, a "sabre toothed" rat-like mammal that lived in Patagona 100 million years ago.
    I wonder what it used its big canines for?
    So "Scrat" from Ice Age existed!


Hits since Sept. 2009:
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