All that you wanted to know about Homo erectus in America will appear in this post, it includes my previous posts on the subject, and, all new ones will be indexed here. I believe that our not-so-distant relative is the most plausible explanation for many Patagonian cryptids (i.e. giants, ogres and wild men).
The first Asians were not H. erectus. This opens the door to an intriguing possibility, that more archaic hominids such as H. habilis reached Asia and... peopled America later on...
Calico remains, proof of Homo erectus in America
Controversial stone tools discovered at a Calico site in California, USA, dated to 200,000 years ago, could only have been made by H. erectus. Some believe that the "tools" may have a natural origin and were not man-made...
H. erectus a sailor and navigator.
There is evidence that erectus sailed across open stretches of sea in Indonesia from Java all the way to Flores Island some 800,000 years ago. Could they have developed this skill and used it to reach America?
More proof on H. erectus as a navigator
Crude stone tools found in Crete, Greece dated to some 130 - 700,000 years ago indicate that H. erectus crossed at least 65 km (40 mi) of open sea to reach Crete from the mainland.
Minnesota remains Neanderthal or erectus?
Skull remains allegedly found in 1968 in Minnesota belonged to hominids with receding foreheads and thick Neanderthal-like brows. Could they have been H. erectus?
Modern presence of H. erectus in Patagonia
Native American's art (pottery, wood sculptures and stone masks depicts hominids with thick brows, deep set eyes and a low receding forehead very similar to H. erectus...
Lice may prove that modern man and H. erectus met in America.
Modern humans have a variety of lice which evolved on H. erectus, as lice can only survive on their human hosts, this means that modern men and archaic erectus came into "close" contact, and I believe that the encounter happened in America...
Puebla, Mexico: Dorenberg skull 80 - 220,000 years old.
A strange skull with H. erectus features was unearthed in Puebla Mexico in the 1890s and has been recently dated as having 80 - 220,000 years of age.
Hairy pre-human dwarves: Chelep
Hairy cave dwellers that resembled orangutans and threw stones at the Natives may be H. erectus
Out of Africa and into America across the Atlantic
H. erectus could have reached Brazil crossing the Atlantic Ocean aided by trade winds and sea currents that have a westerly direction. This is a shorter and easier journey than the Beringia route...
Patagonian bigfoot
Club wielding, fur clad H. erectus, with perhaps a limited capability for vocalization could easily explain all of these mythical wild men (Chilludo, Carcancho, Huitranalhue, etc.), and account for others such as Mwono…
Homo erectus in Argentina?
Ancient remains from the Tertiary Period such as a Pliocene Toxodon bone with an embedded stone spearhead and evidence of man-made fires over 1 million years ago point at a possible presence of H. erectus in Argentina at that time.
Diprothomo and Lagoa Santa remains
A strange skull unearthed in 1896 (Diprothomo) in Buenos Aires with archaic traits and a Tertiary Period dating as well as a robust skull with thick brow ridges from Lagoa Santa in Brazil may belong to H. erectus.
Some evidence of H. erectus in Mexico and its survival in Asia until recent times
Stone tool remains dated to 250,000 years ago at Valsequillo Mexico could only be the work of H. erectus as no humans were alive at that time. H. erectus may have been alive in Indonesia 27 thousand years ago, overlapping with modern humans.
Erectus footprints in Mexico 1.3 Million years old?
Footprints found in volcanic ash at a site close to Valsequillo, Mexico have been dated do 1.3 million years ago. As this date is too old for modern human tracks, it has been disregarded by science...
More on H. erectus in America. Denisovans
Analysis of the DNA from H. erectus remains from Denisova, Siberia, shows that in the genomes of people now living in Melanesia, about 5 percent of their DNA can be traced to Denisovans, a sign of ancient interbreeding. Furthermore, southern Patagonians share many traits with Melanesians that have led researchers to believe that these may have peopled that part of America
Some more information on the Denisovans
The remains at Denisova are not those of modern humans or Neantherdal, they are very likely those of the descendants of the ancient H. erectus.
The Yuki natives of California and their “thick brow ridges”
Yuki cranial traits suggest an erectus relationship. Their language and unique culture is also quite startling and totally different to any known in America.
H. erectus genes survive in modern humans
RRM2P4, a specific region of our X chromosome may indicate that H. erectus may have still been alive in Asia some 30,000 years ago, and mixed with modern humans there.
Skull shape: Paleo Indians, Patagonians and H. erectus
America’s oldest inhabitants, the Paleoindians, had long and narrow skulls (i.e. dolichocephalic morphology). The later Indians have a short and wide cranial vault, along with wide faces (i.e. brachycephalic morphology). Patagonian natives exhibit "the most robust and dolichocephalic crania" among a sample of South American natives (Paleoindian-like) and: Homo erectus developed a dolichocephalic shape of skull. Could
Patagonian Monsters - Cryptozoology, Myths & legends in Patagonia2011 International Year of Forests Copyright 2009-2011 by Austin Whittall ©
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