
Friday, May 24, 2013

Geoglyph in Mendoza, Argentina

I was pursuing my other "hobby" today, Argentina's National Highway # 40 (or, in Spanish, Ruta Nacional 40) when I came across a Geoglyph shaped like a labyrinth very close to National Highway number 149 in the province of Mendoza, close to the town of Uspallata.

Yes, I know, it has nothing to do with Patagonia or its monsters, but it struck me when I saw it. The "Inca Road" goes down this mountain valley coming from Chile on its way to Cusco, and here was a strange object in the middle of the arid valley.

I just wanted to share it with you, and also the surprising tools that Internet provides the "couch" scientist with!

See it on Google maps and check it out in the image below:

Inca rock shape drawn on the landscape. Copyright © 2013 by Austin Whittall

I checked to see if anyone had reported it, but no, I did not find any references to it.

It is about 50 x 50 meters (166 x 166 ft.).

PS In case you want to know why I was looking at Highway 149 when I am interested in Highway 40, they run parallel in that area, 149 closer to the Andes and link remote towns that are very nice (and I am considering visiting them in the near future). By the way, Ruta 40 is one of the worlds longest national highways +5.200 km (+3.230 mi) long that runs up the Andean side of Argentina from the Strait of Magellan (at Cabo Virgenes) to the Bolivian border at La Quiaca. It climbs to nearly 5,000 m (16.660 ft.) in northern Argentina.

Patagonian Monsters - Cryptozoology, Myths & legends in Patagonia Copyright 2009-2012 by Austin Whittall © 

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