
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lake Ranco - Lake of the Week

lake of the week

Lake Ranco. Lake of the Week

This Chilean lake (40°11’ S, 72°22’ W) is set very low (65 m – 213 ft. above sea level) and has a surface area of 442 km2 (171 sq. mi.).

lago ranco
Lake Ranco. From [4].

It is notorious for Culebrón and Cuero sightings.

For instance, at Caman inlet, at a deep pool, a fisherman caught a “very strange fish that had a crest like that of a cock with a mane down half its back” frightened, he threw it back into the lake, and this place is known as the “Culebrón Pool”.[2]

In March 2003, people living in different towns around the lake reported to the police that there was a “strange creature moving along the river, hiding in the rushes and scaring the animals that came to the shore to drink water”. They described it as a “giant snake about eight meters long [26 ft.], […] an aquatic monster”.[1] Evidently a Culebrón.

Regarding the Cuero, a compilation of contemporary Mapuche women anecdotes mentions Lake Ranco’s Cuero as follows: “cat-like nails all around it. In the past, more were seen, in the inlets […] of all colors, and also of all sizes, and there are big Cueros too and these Cueros in the water are super strong”.[3]


[1] Picasso, F. and Núñez O., L., (2004). Gigantescos Ofidios Sudamericanos.
[2] Lago Ranco Misterios, relatos, mitos y leyendas. (2007). El Pozo del Culebrón.16.05.2007.
[3] Guerra, M., et al. [Comp.], (1999). Op.Cit. pp. 49.
[4] I M Photopress Discover Chile’s Seven Lakes Destination 12.10.2009

Patagonian Monsters - Cryptozoology, Myths & legends in Patagonia

2010 International Year of Biodiversity
Copyright 2009-2010 by Austin Whittall ©

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