
Saturday, May 7, 2016

The folly of creationism in the guise of science

While serious people try to explain the origin of mankind and use sophisticated scientific tools, publishing their findings so that all can go over them, criticise them, add further proof or improve them, some guys who call themselves "religious scholars" publish fancy fairy tales and try to pass them off as science!

This is a clear example of the latter: New genetic research suggests dawn of human ethnic groups occurred after Tower of Babel event in Bible.

An excerpt: "... Though Genesis 5 indicates that ten paternal generations passed from Adam to Shem, more maternal generations might have passed from Eve to the Flood.8 Using a variety of generation times, a 6–22 nucleotide difference could easily have been produced in the ~1660 years from Creation to the Flood (Supplemental Table 4), which easily encompasses the 2–8 nucleotide pre-Flood branch length....". from the "paper" On the Origin of Human Mitochondrial DNA Differences, New Generation Time Data Both Suggest a Unified Young-Earth Creation Model and Challenge the Evolutionary Out-of-Africa Model by Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson on April 27, 2016. Read its "hard facts here".

As usual, I must say that (Mark 12:17) leave to scientists what is for scientists to do and let those who believe in religion as set down in the Bible, do their thing with their god.

Religion has given us a lot of trouble when meddling with other human affairs (burning witches, infidels, jews, muslims, not openly condemning slave trade or slavery, etc.).

Religion lies in a different realm, apart from science, its role is to comfort those who fear death and the uncertainty of death. So they should stick to their guns and provide solace to believers. But to try to pretend that the Bible explains the origin of mankind is, to put it bluntly, plain stupid.

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