
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Phoenicians and Hebrews in Pre-Columbian Patagonia

Tehuelche Rock Art with Semitic symbols and weird snake. From [1]

Researching on Homo erectus and possible entry routes into America from the Old World, I suggested (Out of Africa and into America - H. erectus), transatlantic route in crude rafts. Further reading on rock art and Tehuelche sculptures (looking for H. erectus depictions), led me to some strange stone artifacts found in Patagonia that represent snakes and, symbols. This is very odd, because, the Tehuelche like all native South Americans, did not write (no letters or numbers. No symbols). Mesoamerica is another case and the Mayas could read and write in special symbols.

The snakes interested me, because, there are fossils of giant snakes in Patagonia, that come from precisely the same place that these engraved stones did: Chubut province, Argentina. (Read more on Giant Patagonian snakes).

These Patagonian symbols (see them in the image above, on top of the snake), according to some researchers who studied them, are Semitic, and were engraved by some Hebrew navigators who somehow reached Patagonia.

I was about to dismiss the whole stuff as a fraud when I came across an older publication which mentions these stones. So I filed the information and just left it there. Wondering if it could have any relationship with Patagonian myths and beliefs regarding "monsters".

Then I came across more data regarding Phoenicians in Brazil (yes, they were purportedly taken by the same currents and trade winds that would have pushed H. erectus across from Africa). Phoenicians were good sailors and, in fact sailed around Africa from the Red Sea to the Delta of the Nile. Later expeditions from Carthage (originally a Phoenician Colony) reached Cameroon and maybe even further south. They could have, in theory reached America.

So, once again people from the Western Mediterranean are linked to Southern South America. Could they have influenced the locals? Did any of their myths permeate local culture? Are their genes mixed with the native American's?

I know that none of this has any relationship with cryptozoology (or if it does, it is very tenuous), but I am still intrigued by the strange snakes depicted in the carved stones and who were the people who carved them. The image above shows one of these snakes.

So, I will be writing about this in my next posts. You may find it quite amusing, as I will go beyond the usual "copy paste" found in most blogs and forums, and get to the documents. Some of which are in Spanish or Portuguese, so the English reader will appreciate my translations.

To be continued...


[1] Antonio Garcés,(1951). Libro del Cincuentenario de Comodoro Rivadavia, 1901-1951. Aspectos de la Arqueología Patagónica. Chap. 29.

Patagonian Monsters - Cryptozoology, Myths & legends in Patagonia
2011 International Year of Forests
2011 International Year of Forests Copyright 2009-2011 by Austin Whittall © 


  1. Muito bom o texto, brother. Eu sou muito interessado pelo estudo das viagens dos povos semitas na América Pré-colombiano. Eu acredito nisso também. Aqui no Brasil também há várias evidências disso.

    Um abraço

  2. Ubaldo, Muito obrigado!

  3. The symbolism on the rock is evident - there is sun and moon on the right. On the top there are 5 spheres - 2 larger and 3 smaller. 3 smaller are 3 smaller inner planets as seen from earth (mercury,venus and mars). 2 larger are jupiter and saturn. It is description of the solar system, our world. A snake depicts a disturbance of that world that came from outside of our world (Outside solar system). A snake like anywhere else in the world often stands for time, cycles, dynamics and change, especially on cosmic scales.It stands for destruction and re-birth amongst other things (Ouroborus for example or feathered serpent). In between the tail and the head of the snake is a strange object - not an exact sphere but more in a heart-shape and bigger then other spheres (planets). The writing inscribed above that object is the name of that strange object and/or snake that brought it in our world. Whatever that name is in the local language, we know its name in Sumerian - Nibiru. Nibiru is an extra-solar or outer solar objects that periodically visits our inner solar system bringing destruction in its wake. That destruction is symbolised with the arrow heads in the picture. There is a big arrow head just next to the object, another one in a top left corner and another two attacking the planets from below and above. Symbolism is very clear even without knowing the name that is inscribed. An evil snake has brought in its motion a strange object from outer space into the solar system where it attacked our world! In the immidiate aftermath of such destruction people all over the world would surely be very eager to record such thing for posterity in order to warn future generations, as the arrival of such cosmic destruction is cyclical and will surelly happen again in due time - the representation of snake always imply order, cyclicity and time.

    Ancient South Americans used writing until the arrival of Incas who prohibited it in order to erase history of conquered nations. Ancient South American writing was a phonetic/syllabic writing very similar to early alphabets anywhere else in the world. The origins of writing are in deep Paleolithic, as archeologic evidence show. All such early writing systems are very similar, using simple geometrical shapes for certain sounds, but which shape corresponds to which sound differs geographically and culturaly. Phoenicians did not invent alphabet, but they standardized it. The writings that resemble phoenician(punic) are found all over the world, in China, Europe, India at a very early age (pre-5000 bc), predating not only Phoenicians but all of historical civilizations. The writings in America belong to that category. We are just to euro-centric to see the facts objectively. It is just as likely that punic (phoenician), tifanagh, ogham and other have its source in america rather then vice versa. Perhaps early Phoenicians came from America to Europe at some remote age.

    Homo sapiens originated in Africa, but certain races originate world-wide. It is more then likely that present european population, bearers of y haplogropu R, orginated in americas rather then vice versa, because american haplotype, haplotype R1* is older then european R1a and R1b. R1a appeared in Europe around 3000 bc coming from the east. This haplogroup was common at that time all the way from North East Asia to Eastern Europe. It points to its origin being far to the east, and the only source of that haplogroup at that time was America. In contrast, haplogroup R1b is oldest and in historical times its been spreeding from west to east. There is no records of that haplogroup in europe before 2000 bc. The early european belonged to haplogrops F and G and occasional E, later arrivals being I and J but no trace of R whatsoever. The highest modern concentration of this haplogroup is around Bisqay Gulf - in n/w Spain, Ireland and coastal France (Basque/Celts country). Where did they come from? The nearest source of this haplogroup was across Atlantic in America!

  4. For those whose patiente is not taxed yet this is the sequel of first posting:

    The modern european explorers found many similarities between Basque and Algonquinian languages of East Coast, presuming that was some kind of pigin Basque,as Basques fished those waters for cod long before America was "officialy" discovered. The geneticists also "presume" that this is how R1 arrived to America, which cannot be because american R1* is much older then relatively modern R1b of Western Europeans.The genetic and linguistic evidence points to eastward spread of those genes and languages (Basque), not westward! Westward is of modern origin, eastward is ancient. This R1* is found in high frequency in eastern North America but is also found in low to moderate frequencies across both Americas, as well as in Oceania, Australia and South East Asia pointing to its ultimate point of origin in India. The Celtic expansion in historical period was always from west to east. In Roman times they were spreading out of France into Italy, Balkans and Asia Minor. In the course of conflict with Romans many migrated north into Germany, which was previously dominated by haplogroups R1a and I. The Hallstat culture, presumably the heartland of Celts yielded mostly those two haplotypes. Perhaps it was the cultural and linguistic origin of Celts but not their genetic origin, which points across the ocean.

    An unbiased point of view clearly indicates that ancient Europe was colonized by Americans. They arrived in westernmost Europe some 5 to 6 thousand years ago from where they sailed as sea people across Mediterranean mingling and influencing ancient Near East giving rise to Hittites, Phoenicians, Greeks and others, often adopting the languages of their host country. The ancient Greeks called themselves Danaans, the offspring of Danaan, an immigrant from Lybia, and Lybia was regarded by ancient Egyptians as a white man's country (themselves being of mixed ancestry), another indication of eastward expansion of this people.

    It is those people who brought what later become known as Iberian script, Tifanagh or Punic and ultimately our own alphabet rather then vice versa. It is the immigrants from Tiwanaku who after the devastation by the sky serpent migrated east into Europe, and west into Asia, ultimately peopling the Europe from both directions and displacing its ancient mix of people. The Aryan invasion of India in 1800 bc was closure of a full circle - the people who migrated from India to America some 15 millenia ago returned back to its point of origin. As much as homo sapiens originated in Africa, the present population of Europe and large parts of Near East, India and Pacific, probably originated in Americas. All the evidence points that y haplogroups R and Q (and perhaps the ancestral P, which was heavily saturated with the archaic, non-sapiens genes) have their origin in Americas whence they spread into the old world.

  5. My aplogies for this third posting, but there is something i forgot to mention, which is historical (written) evidence that adds weight to this whole issue of ancient american connection. America was not completely unknown in clasical times. Many classical writers mentioned it under different names. Egyptians were also aware of a Western continent and Phoenicians and Cartaghinians who actually sailed there kept their trade routes secrets.

    There is a particular reference to America by Plutarch, who called it Ogygya and described it correctly as a vast continent on the opposite side of the ocean. What is important here is the name - Ogygya. That name is associated with the flood that happened during the reign of Ogyges in Thebes. There was no certainty by classical Greek historians as to which Thebes he ruled - Greek or Egyptian, but it would be more likely the Egyptian, as Greek Thebes was traditionaly founded by Cadmo, a Phoenician immigrant who also brought modern alphabet to Greece. Now, that flood is the same flood that is associated with sinking of Atlantis, and it is known as the Ogygyan flood which is much older then the later Deucalion flood that is is synonymous with the later deluge myths such as biblical/Babylonian flood myths. One (Deucalion/Noah) happened about 5000 years ago, the other (Ogygyan) over 10000 years ago. As mentioned in the first posting, explaining the drawing on a tablet, such things are cyclical.

    The Greek (Attic) history/mythology started with that Ogygyan flood; hence the term Ogygyan is always meant 'ancient', 'primal', 'original'. The question is why would Plutarch or Athenians in general refer to America as a 'primaeval' continent? And if that was opinion of the Greeks, no doubt it was also the opinon of Phoenicians and Egyptians, since whatever they knew, they learnt it from them. Why would those ancient Mediterranean people regard it as the 'original' continent? And why would they name it by the name of the flood that devastated the 'old' world unless it is the place their forefathers left after that devastating flood?

  6. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck!
