
Monday, September 27, 2010

Chile bicentennial 1810-2010

Chile bicentennial
Chile's Bicentennial Logo. Online Site (in Spanish)

During 2010, Chile also celebrates its bicentennial. My congratulations and best wishes to our Chilean neighbors during this year!

The Junta which had been convened by the senior military leader in Chile, Mateo de Toro y Zambrano (as the Spanish Governor, Francisco Antonio García Carrasco Díaz had resigned earlier), assumed control of the government on September 18, 1810.

This put an end to Spanish rule in Chile, though Royalists would defeat the patriots and regain control in 1814.

Finally, after a brilliant military campaign in early 1817, Chile became an independent nation on February 12, 1818.

You can also read my post on Argentina's bicentennial.

Un abrazo cordial a todo Chile en el año de su bicentenario

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